- 컨텐츠 바로가기 영역
- 본문으로 바로가기
- 주메뉴 바로가기
- Population
- 87,879 households
- 221,189 person
- (man 106,829, woman 114,360)
- Land area
- 60,98㎢
(12.2% of the Gwangju land area)
- ※ GB39.21㎢ (64.3% of the Nam-gu)
- Financial status
- 380,443 million KRW
- general accounting 371,353
- special accounting 9,090
- Organization
- 4 Bureaus, 1 Office, 1 Officer,
1 Corps, 19 Divisions,
1 Public Health Center (2 Divisions, 1 Branch),
Council, 16 dongs
- Local GNP (as of 2015)
- 2.2617 trillion KRW (8.7% of Gwangju)
- ※ PerCapita GRCP: 10,078,000 KRW
(57.9% of Gwangju's average)
- Enterprise
- 297(including 1 medium-sized and
296 small-sized companies)
- 2,147 employees
- Industrial complex
- 394,000㎡ Songam Industrial Complex
- 63 companies / 1,500 people
- 1.5% of the total 11 industrial complexes
located in Gwangju
- Scale of agriculture
- 2,209 ha
- 718 rice paddies
1,491 fields
2,156 farming households